Tovuz khanim.
The daughter of the Nakhchivan Khan
and the daughter-in-law of Abbasgulu khan Iravanski.
Artistic fabric samples belonging to
Azerbaijanis in Iravan.
Akhi Tavakkul Zaviyeh ruins in
Daralayaz district are very interesting.
There is a board three meters tall and
two meters wide at the entrance of the
Zaviyeh. Three circles representing
three beliefs in Earth, Moon, and Sun
were engraved on this board, and
in each circle there are twelve lines
symbolizing the twelve Imams and
eight-pointed stars indicating the
number of Turkish tribes living in
this district. In general, 120 historical
monuments, 230 mosques and pirs
(sacred places), and 670 cemeteries
existed in the area of Iravan.
gion were associated with dragons. The spirit of the mountain was portrayed
as a dragon in the mythical views of both the Huns and Bulgarians. The region
is located in a mountainous area and is therefore described in the folklore as
a symbol of defense and protection. The fight between good and evil was one
of the major motifs in the oral literature, especially as related to times when
enemies directly attacked the mountains. According to the legends and sagas
that depict both sacred places and historical figures, the population of this
area epitomized the Turkish faith and worldview.
The city of Iravan and districts such as Vedibasar, Zangezur, Daralayaz, Ag-
baba, Shorayel, Loru, Pambak, Goyche, Garagoyunlu, and Shamshaddin used
to be in close contact with other districts as part of western Azerbaijan. Strong
ties connected this region, which is on one of the large trade routes, with the
Ottoman government, northern and eastern Azerbaijan, and Georgia’s Bor-
chali district. According to historical facts, the traditions and way of life of
the Turks living in Shamshaddin, Karakoyunlu, and Goyche were the same as
those of the people of Ganjabasar. Historically part of the Karabakh Khanate,
life in the Zangazur district was very similar to Karabakh Turks regarding cus-
toms and daily routine. The western part of this area became very connected
with Anatolian Turks. Ties were also formed between Iravan and Zangiba-
sar and Southern Azerbaijan’s cities of Tabriz, Khoy, and Maku. Examples of
these ties can be clearly seen both in the dialects and artistic traditions. This
region is distinguished by its rich cultural heritage, folklore, literature, and
music, forming part of Azerbaijani culture in general. The history of different
regions, their cultural heritage, and toponymy prove that they are directly
connected with general Azerbaijani history and culture.
Western Azerbaijan is mainly considered a mountainous and hilly region,
with colorful and rich natural beauty. Rivers and meadows make this area
useful for cattle breeding. Six climate zones lend particular colors and shades
to this region. The districts of Vedi, Gamarli, and Ashtarak are identifiable
for their abundant gardens and grapevines, while Mehri is distinctive for its
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